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10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Resources

Sunday 10.25.2020

Rest Day

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Monday 10.26.2020

50 Single Dumbbell Goblet Squats
40 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
30 Lunges
20 Weighted Dumbbell Side Bend

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Tuesday 10.27.2020

Single Arm Russian Dumbbell Swings

Directly Into…
800 Meter Run

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Wednesday 10.28.2020

50 Double Unders
25 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
40 Double Unders
20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
30 Double Unders
15 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
20 Double Unders
10 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
10 Double Unders
5 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Thursday 10.29.2020

3 Rounds

10 Pullups

10 Push Press

10 Toes to Bar

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Friday 10.30.2020

30 Single Dumbbell Clean and Jerks
15 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
20 Single Dumbbell Clean and Jerks
10 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
10 Single Dumbbell Clean and Jerks
5 Dumbbell Facing Burpees

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text

Saturday 10.31.2020

3 Rounds:
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Clusters
50 Double Unders

10.25.2020 - 10.31.2020: Text
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